Finishing work in a Nut-shell for Building Construction

Published On 05/25/2021
Author : Christina Alex

Finishing Work in construction is a group of construction activities relating to the exterior and interior finishing of buildings to enhance their service and aesthetic qualities. In many cases, the overall quality of a building or structure being put into service depends on the quality of its execution. The main types of finishing work include facing, plastering, flooring, and painting. 

For further understanding, (Refer course: Elements of Plastering and Basics of Painting). Here, different types of plastering and painting work to enhance the aesthetics of the building is described.

  • Application of cement plaster

A thick smooth cement plaster of 6mm or 12mm is to be applied on the ceiling, the walls, beams, column, drain, bends to all brick and RCC. Cement sand mortar is used as plaster mix in ratios of one part cement and four parts of sand.  Before plastering, the surface has to be cleaned with a wire brush, there should be no oil or grease, etc. left on the surface. On the RCC surface, hacking should be performed.  Necessary staging should be erected for ease of plaster application. If there exists any holes or depression on the surface, then it should be filled with mortar mix. This should be made to ensure surface flatness & levels.  After plastering, curing should continue for at least 7 days to protect the plastered surface.

  • Application of MALA plaster

A thick smooth cement MALA plaster is laid in two coats, that is, 1st layer is 12 millimetre with rough finishing, and 2nd layer is 6 millimetre thick with fine sand. The first step is to wash the mortar joints and keep them wet for at least 6 hours before applying the plaster. Apply the first coat of plaster between the spaces formed on the wall surface. Roughen the surfaces with wires, for better bonding to the second coat. After the second coat, remove the scaffolding step by step & fill the holes with a mortar. Liquid waterproofing admixture of approved make should be added. Curing of plaster shall be carried out for at least 7 days. The activities should be carried out for height up to 11 m as per given technical specifications, instructed by Engineer in Charge.

  • Application of cement-based putty

A thick layer of 1.5 millimetre of white cement-based putty is to be applied to the full area of plaster in two coats. Cement putty is applied to fill uneven surfaces and all pores of mortar or concrete wall. Before starting the application of cement-based putty, the surface has to be watered properly. After the first coat of white cement-based putty is dry, rub the surface gently with a wet sponge to remove loose particles. The surface should be allowed to dry for at least three hours and then apply the second coat. Leave the surface to dry for a minimum of 10-12 hours, preferably overnight to make the surface ready for the paint to be applied.

  • Application of emulsion paint

Acrylic Premium Emulsion paint, of three or more coats of approved colour and shade, is to be applied on a clean surface. First of all, prepare the surface by ensuring it is clean and free from dust. One coat of primer is applied on the surface to ensure that the finish will be streak-free before the application of the emulsion paint. The surface should be allowed to dry for at least 48 hours. The thinning of emulsion paint is done with water. The emulsion paint is applied in the usual manner with a brush, spray, or roller. The finishing surface should present a smooth finish.

  • Application of weatherproof exterior paint

Three or more coats of weatherproof exterior paint, of approved make and shade, is to be applied. Before the paint is applied, the surface area must be clean and free from dust and any other debris. As the exterior walls are exposed to moisture, humidity, and water, make sure to get rid of all the accumulated dust and dirt. A coat of primer should be applied on the dry surface before application of the paint. The weatherproof paint gives good and even shades over the plasterwork, brick surfaces at all levels.

  • Application of Texture Paint

In texture paint with a finish is to be applied on the interior or exterior wall at all levels of the approved sample. The holes and depression should be finished properly with the mortar mix. Texture paint shall have a coat of sealer to protect the surface from dust and moisture. As the texture paint is applied directly to the bare drywall, the primer has to be applied on the leveled surface. The adjoining surfaces shall be covered with drop cloths or with plastic sheeting. Before applying the texture paint, patching should be done on the wall. When the applied texture material has reached the desired consistency, roll over the surface again, if required.

  • Application of Matt Finish

Two or more coats of Matt finish paint of approved make and shade is to applied. Matt finish PU Paint is provided to give good and even shade over the plasterwork and brick surfaces at all levels. The surface should be thoroughly cleaned and the surface should be allowed to dry. The surface should be rubbed with sandpaper for getting a smooth and even surface. A coat of primer is to be applied to provide a consistent base for topcoats of Matt Finish.

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